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Socially anxious or just being a grown up? I think rather than sharing a hotel room with people wedged in like sardines, it's better to have your own bed, not wait for showers, it's not such a big deal for private time etc. It's more fun to have a room for 1 or 2 and get to sleep better. Stuffing rooms seems like a cheap student type thing? Nothing wrong with that but con going isn't the cheapest anyways.

I don't believe room occupancy would be a factor on hotels filling fast, it seems like a supply-demand thing, if more people need rooms hotels can accommodate more. But at what cost. I suspect these cons are conservative (location, choice of what hotel to use, and how many rooms to guarantee by contract) based on them being relatively shoestring budgets and so strongly based on volunteering and donating without sponsorship and commercial interest.

Best to ask people who are part of budgeting and making contracts. Signing your name onto a six figure obligation to fill rooms means not overestimating how many you project to fill. Getting another hotel = you aren't just raising a 4-figure attendance by 100. And these attendees aren't subsidizing the con to book out rooms like with high membership fees, and dealer tables are also so cheap they're sort of subsidized by the con not the table fees. So hotels fill fast and attendees who miss out are just not getting the discounted block price but can still find regular accommodation.


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