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It's going to be interesting to see what happens to Furry Fiesta's attendance next year; there was a lot of grumbling about parking, elevators, and also the lack of snacks in the con suite. The hotel is likely to blame for the latter and there isn't much that can be done about the first two inconveniences. TFF 2019 is also being bumped to March next year.

While furcons are pretty small potatoes compared to even anime cons, there is a practical limit to growth. Most congoers, especially fursuiters, would like to be as close as possible to the venue or stay in the con hotel. Based on feedback from attendees I've spoken with, a theory I've entertained for Anthrocon's slowed growth is the lack of convenient hotel rooms by the convention center, fur what that's worth. Will a similar fate befall BLFC or MFF? Time will tell.


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