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You are probably right about the auction, but a fursuit commission that would typically go for $3-4000 going for $13,000 is going to worry some people. And people don't know how many other furries there are out there willing to part with that sort of cash. There's no reason for MFY to sell at any price below what people are willing to pay. You can dismiss that it's unsustainable, but it's easy to have a niggling doubt that it might be wrong.

Of course, it isn't the highest price for a fursuit *ever*, there are more expensive examples. Those are like the rare small-batch supercars in my car analogy. But MFY is a well known top-end brand. We can't pretend brand doesn't matter in Fursuits, people do pay for the label.

Average price doesn't tell you that much because there is such a wide distribution, and not everybody wants to pay for a top-end suit even if they can afford it. Fursuits in general are likely to always be affordable to anyone who isn't living paycheque to paycheque, because there will probably always be entry-level makers willing to make suits for little profit (or even at cost or a loss). How much of the market is affordable to a certain percentage of the fandom is going to tell you something important too.


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