I am very happy MFY decided to offer their services through these means, and I'm hoping more fursuit makers will use auctions as another way to sell.
The price of commodities is exactly as high as people are willing to pay for them. It is all regulated by supply and demand. A "world record" of $13,500 paid for a hobby acquisition isn't just not boisterous compared to other expensive hobbies a middle-aged man might have (such as motorbikes), but also these expensive purchases regulate the market.
I'll explain my personal case because I can relate.
I got a cheap partial suit not long ago from a local maker. After using it for several months, I realised, I wanted the real deal, a quality fullsuit costume from a reputable maker. Up to this point I had been saving up money for a couple of years into the thousands with no particular goal in mind but to be solvent. I could afford the purchase. I had the design, time to look for makers.
They have an infinite list of commissions, spanning one or two years. Their selection process is exhausting. Last time MFY opened for commissions they had over a hundred applicants or something ridiculous like that. And remember, the cutting price is $3000 bare minimum, so this is over a hundred clients willing to spend at least $3000, on the spot, for a quality costume. Based on looks, my design just can't compete to grab the attention of the maker. It's just the most generic-looking dog. No fursuit maker is going to select my design if they can choose a more interesting one for the same price. But I have more money, and I'm willing to spend it. And I don't want to wait over a year for my suit.
Checking out several professional makers, I find one to my liking that sells almost exclusively through auctions, every two months, for whoever's willing to spend more on it. Excellent. I put $7000 on the table, deal's closed, it'll be done in four months.
So why is this good. First, because some customers just don't want to go through the whole selection process. To use an analogy, the kind of customer exists who'll book a first-class seat on a plane just to make the experience less painful. If you're going to pay one of the best makers in the world to make you a suit, you might as well have the option to get it done for sure, and faster, when you pay them more. It makes sense from a customer point of view, it makes sense for the business.
Second, it is good because I feel there's a drought of actually good fursuit makers. Five great makers, ten great makers, these are just not enough to meet the current demand. If people see that you can actually make money out of fursuits, make a living off of it, then more people will take it seriously as a business venture, improve their current sewing skills or start from the ground up. I don't know what other customers look for when requesting a fursuit, but I know what I looked for, besides great looks: Experienced Craftsmanship. Anyone who's dealt with a fursuit will know it's a rough affair. Visibility is impaired, it can get extremely warm inside, and you will be carrying it with you to different countries / states inside mistreated luggage. You need the thing to be durable, and light, and comfortable. Double sewing is a must. I don't see fursuit makers giving enough importance to these things, on the internet. Some have extremely cute suits, but no great customer feedback, or don't speak about what the suit's like on the inside. If MFY costumes are very popular, it's because MFY doesn't just care about looking cute but also their product is a quality product.
So fursuit makers, if you like what you do, and you like getting more money, improve your work, and diversify your means to satisfy customers and deliver a product.
I am very happy MFY decided to offer their services through these means, and I'm hoping more fursuit makers will use auctions as another way to sell.
The price of commodities is exactly as high as people are willing to pay for them. It is all regulated by supply and demand. A "world record" of $13,500 paid for a hobby acquisition isn't just not boisterous compared to other expensive hobbies a middle-aged man might have (such as motorbikes), but also these expensive purchases regulate the market.
I'll explain my personal case because I can relate.
I got a cheap partial suit not long ago from a local maker. After using it for several months, I realised, I wanted the real deal, a quality fullsuit costume from a reputable maker. Up to this point I had been saving up money for a couple of years into the thousands with no particular goal in mind but to be solvent. I could afford the purchase. I had the design, time to look for makers.
They have an infinite list of commissions, spanning one or two years. Their selection process is exhausting. Last time MFY opened for commissions they had over a hundred applicants or something ridiculous like that. And remember, the cutting price is $3000 bare minimum, so this is over a hundred clients willing to spend at least $3000, on the spot, for a quality costume. Based on looks, my design just can't compete to grab the attention of the maker. It's just the most generic-looking dog. No fursuit maker is going to select my design if they can choose a more interesting one for the same price. But I have more money, and I'm willing to spend it. And I don't want to wait over a year for my suit.
Checking out several professional makers, I find one to my liking that sells almost exclusively through auctions, every two months, for whoever's willing to spend more on it. Excellent. I put $7000 on the table, deal's closed, it'll be done in four months.
So why is this good. First, because some customers just don't want to go through the whole selection process. To use an analogy, the kind of customer exists who'll book a first-class seat on a plane just to make the experience less painful. If you're going to pay one of the best makers in the world to make you a suit, you might as well have the option to get it done for sure, and faster, when you pay them more. It makes sense from a customer point of view, it makes sense for the business.
Second, it is good because I feel there's a drought of actually good fursuit makers. Five great makers, ten great makers, these are just not enough to meet the current demand. If people see that you can actually make money out of fursuits, make a living off of it, then more people will take it seriously as a business venture, improve their current sewing skills or start from the ground up. I don't know what other customers look for when requesting a fursuit, but I know what I looked for, besides great looks: Experienced Craftsmanship. Anyone who's dealt with a fursuit will know it's a rough affair. Visibility is impaired, it can get extremely warm inside, and you will be carrying it with you to different countries / states inside mistreated luggage. You need the thing to be durable, and light, and comfortable. Double sewing is a must. I don't see fursuit makers giving enough importance to these things, on the internet. Some have extremely cute suits, but no great customer feedback, or don't speak about what the suit's like on the inside. If MFY costumes are very popular, it's because MFY doesn't just care about looking cute but also their product is a quality product.
So fursuit makers, if you like what you do, and you like getting more money, improve your work, and diversify your means to satisfy customers and deliver a product.