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You don't care about Rakuen? You've featured him in art you've drawn. Sure, it was just generic Sonic fanart you awkwardly shoehorned his name into, but still.

And I didn't judge you based on first impressions. I still don't think I'm being that judgmental now. I've been plenty nice to you in the recent past, even made it a point to upvote posts of yours I thought were unfairly downvoted. So maybe you've said things that rub people the wrong way, doesn't mean everything you post afterwards needs to be downvoted into oblivion. But if I think you're wrong or misguided, I'm going to say so.

You kind of proved my point when you said you have furry friends even if you don't like the fandom on the whole. Well, neither do I a lot of the time. I can be very critical of furries at times. Most people don't really like most people if they're honest, they just like their friends and everything you dislike about the fandom exists in the general population, even if it's less obvious.

Be honest, how much experience you even have in the furry fandom outside of those few pretty small forums?


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