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Frankly, just what passes for "friendships" in this fandom can be as dramatic (or more) as any relationship. I think what Sonichu Sonikku is experiencing here is a massive dose of culture shock. Let's face it, South Africa has really only just begun to dismantle its historic institutional homophobia. The culture itself will take a long time to catch up, if it ever does. The furry fandom barely has a presence there.

Personally, I always found the Sonic fandom to have higher degrees of, let's just call it "socially challenged" folk, relative to the furry fandom. And that's why I never got too heavily involved in that fandom despite enjoying Sonic fan-art from time to time.

If there's less relationship drama in the Sonic fandom it's probably because there's less relationships to be had, because there's fewer people capable of forming relationships.


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