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If you need to use an ATM, locate a bank ATM and check for attached skimmers. Most banks have put in place safety guards around the card slot, and understand if you tug at 'em.

Free-standing ATMs that don't have a bank logo aren't associated with a bank, and may already have been hacked so that the ATM itself is a skimming device.

When in doubt, look up the name on the ATM to see if you can find it's "host" nearby. Bank ATMs in places like grocery stores would have a branch office nearby (maybe not walking distance, but a short drive away).

You may want to also just look up "ATM" in Google Maps, which will show you local ATMs attached to banks nearby. For instance, looking it up around FC's site (the San Jose Convention Center) shows three non-bank ATMs by AFFA and Cardtronics, but if you go up by West San Fernando Street and South Market Street, you got a Bank of America and a Wells Fargo, plus a local Bank of the West and a credit union. It's a short walk in California winter weather, which isn't all that bad.


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