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I'm her boyfriend (also dating her husband). I've spent months worried about the emotional health impact her position at FA had been causing her. The night before she resigned, she was having suicidal ideation. I said, verbatim:

"I know that feeling. Hun, it's time both to tell your therapist this (like, today), and it's time to tell 'Neer you're retiring early. Those feelings are dangerous.”

If you want to change the moderation on FA, have discussions about the policies. Don't go on a witch hunt over the admin who's stuck enforcing a poorly phrases policy. The former can change how the site is handled; the latter is bullying, pure and simple. You'll find the next admin does the same things Mungo did, because it's their job to enforce site policies. Mungo often got second opinions within staff on the less clear cut cases, the next admin will do so too.

By the way, she's a pacifist egalitarian socialist hippie, but she put all of that aside to apply the policies consistently even when she disagreed with them. If you want some perspective, go looking on Twitter for alt right furries complaining that "he's" a "cuck" who "always sides with antifa" - you'll find plenty people on the other side unhappy that she won't take down anti-nazi art either.

You are clearly a person who wants to change the world, possibly for the better. Use that anger in a productive way. Call your government officials (call, not email or write, calling takes more of their time), volunteer at a homeless shelter, donate to "Nazi rehab" organizations, go to protests. Be a good person, lead by example. There is so much you could do that's productive. Complaining about an admin online isn't productive - rather the opposite, it engenders an atmosphere of extremism, us-or-them thinking.

I'm looking forward to her finally being able to say her mind. In truth, I doubt that the most vocal people will listen - it's far easier to close your eyes and believe you are correct than it is to learn and change.

So, I've been polite. Please excuse me a moment to express my feelings after months for holding my tongue. To you and all of the other witch-hunting arseholes spouting vitreol on twitter: go fuck yourself. It's disgusting the degree to which people claiming to be avidly against Nazis employ so many of their enemy's tactics.

PS - the policy that has fanned the flames so pathetically much is designed to prevent people espousing bigetous views. It is not intended to censor art for censorship's sake. Yes, the phrasing on it sucks. Want it fixed? Ask for it to be clarified. Heaven knows I've wished for months it was written better so that people would stop shooting the messenger. Almost literally - part of what pushed her to retire a few months earlier than she was planning was a death threat.

Think about that a moment. A death threat. From someone who doesn't like Nazis. A person who claims to be liberal. So liberal and progressive that they want to kill someone.

Always question yourself least you become the thing you hate.

As sincerely as I've ever written anything in my life,
Lutris (ThreeRandomWords on FA)


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