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If they lost $60,000 with that attendance, they really need to get somebody as treasurer who understands budgetting and has the power to say 'no'. They are on the same model as some sci-fi cons I've seen fail, paying for guests they can't really afford hoping that that will bring in enough extra people to make up for that expense. It's not going to in the furry community. I don't know of a single furry convention where somebody specifically decided to go because of who the GOH's were. I get why a couple of individuals like Kage were brought in, but they can't sustain that. They hopefully got his seal of approval and can move forward next year with a sane budget that will allow recouping of some of the shortfall this year and provide seed money for the next. Comped memberships for staff are fine though they'd have been better off having them pay and then offering a rollover for next year. Comped hotel rooms are completely out of line for a new convention. Hopefully it wasn't because of overestimating their room block and having to pay for the rooms regardless (this is what ultimately killed ConFurence). I hope they get this issue fixed before it kills the convention

The non-profit status of the convention/parent corporation needs to be made clarified for both state AND federal. It's a simple answer, they either are or aren't non-profit. If they aren't, they'd better be prepared to be transparent with their books anyway. Nobody gets rich running a fan convention, but people need to see where the money is going to believe that.

Aside from that, they managed to have what sounds like a fun convention with lots of panels and other activities. I am certainly no prude, but it wouldn't have bothered me not to have adult stuff. I don't bother with most of that even at cons where it is allowed. If their hotel actually wants them back again given atmosphere in that area after RainFurest poisoned the pond, I say good on them. I hope they can continue and further the rebuilding of trust with the hotel industry in that area.


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