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$60,000 / 800 = $75 per person. Not actually a lot for a large whole weekend event. For perspective, AC's entire budget is somewhere roughly around a half million last I checked. That's like, a corner store that employs a few people, based on tons of community volunteering.

From what I've seen of the con chair's background, operating things not-for-profit or at a loss, subsidized by other things, would make a loss not necessarily unexpected or bad. Operating cons generally isn't a way to be profitable in the first place.

Enjoy being hosted if you go guys. It's like someone has a vacation home they opened to you at no cost to be generous. I think Elliott's is run the same way by someone with mountains of tech money. Furries have it gooood. Giving drama about it is just, wow... be really careful about if it's needed.


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