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The statement you announced MTV a month in advance is false for two reasons:

1) The article about Furlandia goes into great detail as to when it was announced, even pointing to a tweet a fur (I believe EvilSibe) made saying they heard that MTV was going to be there and it was replied to that that was not the case. I reread the article referenced because it was two years ago and I wanted to ensure I had remember things proper.

2) You commented a bunch on that particular article and never claimed that you had announced it a month prior in any comment responding to the article in question. If it was false then I would have thought you would have claimed that it was back then, yes? So coming here and saying it is false two years later makes no sense when you didn't say it back then.

In fact, let us look at the first comment you made to that article which directly contradicts your statement here!

Hello, I am Saph. (Not Seph, or Seth)

As far as letting the public know that a camera crew was going to be following me around, it wasn't finalized until a few days prior to the event. A minor misconception, is that since I was not chair of this event, only handling logistics along with my associate Triss, we had limited administrative access to the event media itself such as the website and social media broadcasts like Twitter.

So which was it, you knew and announced it a month in advance, or you didn't know until a few days prior and thus wouldn't have been able to have announced it a month in advance?

Hope that clears that up.


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