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You're right the fandom is bigger than me, I'm probably the only one who might have this concern right? I'm mean, it's not like there are people who's livelihood actually depends on smut or anything. No, those people don't exist. TBH I've never purchased NSFW art at at any con I've been to, never had the inclination. You mistake narcissism for what I can only describe as extreme altruism. My worries are not for myself but the fandom as a whole.

There have been attempts in the past to clean up furry, they've always failed but the battle continues and whether this is the latest attempt or a "necessary evil" due to the unique problems the fandom has faced in the region is still up in the air. I want furry to be welcoming to all regardless of what crazy ideas or weird (and harmless) kinks one might have. That's what makes the fandom so special to me. While not perfect, we try our best to be an open and accepting community. I worry that rules like these threaten this ideal I believe we should always push for.

Is it paranoia on my part? Probably, but I will remain ever vigilant.


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