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Look, we can't have a PG rated convention or art site last more than a year or two for the cartoon animal fandom, and then furries wonder why we keep getting asked why it's all about sex.

I've been to both furry and non-furry conventions, and it's mind-boggling that I can find a PG anime convention without even trying, but furries like you actually get indignant when we ask you to lay off the porn five fucking minutes.

In actual practice, Anthrocon was PG if you wanted it to be (the porn was there, but it was discreetly off to the side in a separate folder in the dealer's dens), and the most risible thing I encountered was a game of Cards Against Humanity (which I happily joined), so this is all kind of academic. However, the fact remains that furries seem to be physically incapable of producing a PG convention, and it's pretty fair to ask why that is.

And it isn't just about "think of the children". I mean, to be perfectly frank, we are leaving money on the table as long as we insist everything we do must have adult artwork squirreled away somewhere. I mean, there are very good reasons we may not want, say, Disney, at our furry convention, but there are also some very good reasons we might. Even setting aside giant corporations, I mean, there are smaller and more local businesses that may have valid reasons to be at a furry convention. But, once again, it's all academic, because neither Disney nor the local comic book shop want to set up a booth next to Bad Dragon.

Not that I haven't been in some really skeevy local comic book shops, though. But I've also been in some very clean, family friendly local comic book shops. That's the point.


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