I agree that there was a significant lack of transparency-- both in how they handled criticism within the official Telegram chat as well as the Lisa Ling controversy. However, I do believe that many rumors were also spread due to outside individuals wanting some sort of drama or controversy to happen. Some individuals making such claims as "diapers in the ballpit" (for example) were not at the convention at all, but had their remarks propagated through Twitter if just because "Well, Rainfurrest had 'X', so it makes sense that ANW would have the same problems."
I agree that there was a significant lack of transparency-- both in how they handled criticism within the official Telegram chat as well as the Lisa Ling controversy. However, I do believe that many rumors were also spread due to outside individuals wanting some sort of drama or controversy to happen. Some individuals making such claims as "diapers in the ballpit" (for example) were not at the convention at all, but had their remarks propagated through Twitter if just because "Well, Rainfurrest had 'X', so it makes sense that ANW would have the same problems."