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As an amateur ethics philosopher, I had the displeasure of reading Stefan Molyneux' work some years ago when he published his ethical theory entitled Universally Preferable Behaviour (UPB). It was a complete failure, and he's not particularly proud of it, for good reason. Everyone, both internet users, and academy philosophers who wasted their time reading that garbage, thought it wasn't worth the time & effort put into it. You can look for many rebuttals, but basically, Mr. Molyneux has deep conceptual misunderstanding that lead him to having no idea what the fuck he's talking about, in just about any area of knowledge.

I would not waste any more time listening nor reading this man, who is no more intelligent than a moron occasionally shouting out intelligent-sounding words by mere chance. He should better stay quiet and seem stupid, than open his mouth and remove any doubt of his stupidity. He won't stay silent because this has been his way of making money for years now.

This is my firm & informed opinion on him.


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