Bartcharkov Persniketyollo: Oh yeah, that Ike The Dragon guy, he's so evil. It's not like the videos of Richard Spencer getting punched and ANTIFA violence existed beforehand. Up until then, they absoultely dindu nuffin wrong and if anything it's the fault of people who didn't suck on the donguses of rioters who showed up looking for a fight when Charlottesville happened. We should sue Richard Spencer because personal accountability is evil!
Bartcharkov Persniketyollo: Oh yeah, that Ike The Dragon guy, he's so evil. It's not like the videos of Richard Spencer getting punched and ANTIFA violence existed beforehand. Up until then, they absoultely dindu nuffin wrong and if anything it's the fault of people who didn't suck on the donguses of rioters who showed up looking for a fight when Charlottesville happened. We should sue Richard Spencer because personal accountability is evil!