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Please read the whole comment, carefully.
Here is why I argue that "fur is murder" comparison is bad. That sounds like a reaction to something that directly involves the act of getting of fur, if there needs to be an argument that can be compared, it's the act of moving that stuff around. However, moving fur around that's already been done isn't the same thing as getting the fur in the first place. Possession itself isn't an act of making it, and neither does it mean directly asking for more. It's just "possession", and that act is the same exact thing some government does. If there is some definition by law that tells something different than I claim, I wish for a link.

Again, nonsense, because possession isn't the same thing as planning to do the crime and possession involves an act AFTER THE FACT. Also, I don't think planning itself is the crime, it's when you make some kind of step (or another type of step). If you plan by THINKING about it, then you change your mind, you shouldn't be able to get arrested. There is also probably some places who consider voluntary abandonment a defense. I think conspiracy is a little more than just thinking. It involves a step by agreeing, and I think in some places it involves a step beyond that too as well. State example:
But even when one is guilty of conspiracy, or attempt but hasn't done it yet, I do not agree it needs to be treated as the same. That's just insane and morally wrong.

As for complicit, you mean aiding someone into committing a crime?
How the hell does possessing a picture of something that ALREADY been done (after the fact?) the same thing? Do you not understand how the law works?
If someone did not make it yet, and then someone aided the person into committing it, then the person did, then yes the person who aided is guilty as the same. If someone aided, but the crime didn't happen, it could be a conspiracy charge.
If the crime has ALREADY been done, but THEN the person tried to aid but was too late, then I don't see how such person can get arrested as an accessory before the fact.
Here is complicit, by the way:

For your last paragraph, as I already explained, how exactly did that possessed CAUSED it to be made, when it's already been made?
If you're talking about future things, I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong with some official links) it may require a direct aiding. Increasing a view of an existing number doesn't sound like proof to me.

For your other comment:

Don't forget, I don't depend on popular opinion all the time. I am one of those people who questions stuff within taboo subjects.

Popular opinion does not equal to being right all the time.


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