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Okay, we're just going to do this; I know you won't understand it, but like I said, interesting conversation.

It's literally the same thing as "fur is murder". Nobody would skin factories full of foxes and minks and things if nobody wanted to possess fur products. Likewise, cows wouldn't get killed to make hamburgers if nobody ate hamburgers; they wouldn't be skinned to make leather jackets if nobody possessed leather jackets.

If you consume the product, you are complicit in making it. Being "complicit" in an action is all but the same thing as doing it; it's why we have "conspiracy" charges in criminal justice (if I help plan to kill someone, I'm not going to be considered "innocent" of that killing, even if I don't actually pull the trigger) or why they arrest the john with the prostitute.

If you possess child pornography, you directly cause it to be made; therefore, you directly caused harm to the children who are abused in its creation.


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