I made a disagreement and wanted to argue, then you replied making an argument, naturally letting me ask for proof since that's usually a good way to argue. If someone said I'm "stupid" or "terrible", they are making an argument. They must be good at it, or else it's just a bad argument.
Also... I was responding to something that was ALREADY an argument. Nobody asked for that comment, either then.
If you respond to me with some immature selfish "hole" picture like that, you lost the argument and you are just an asshole yourself. And remember, you WERE arguing with me.
I made a disagreement and wanted to argue, then you replied making an argument, naturally letting me ask for proof since that's usually a good way to argue. If someone said I'm "stupid" or "terrible", they are making an argument. They must be good at it, or else it's just a bad argument.
Also... I was responding to something that was ALREADY an argument. Nobody asked for that comment, either then.
If you respond to me with some immature selfish "hole" picture like that, you lost the argument and you are just an asshole yourself. And remember, you WERE arguing with me.
Account abandoned and probably will make a new anonymous account with no trace of evidence of it being me. I think it's justified.