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Some of the things I'm pissed off about isn't criticism. Making offensive jokes or saying "That is stupid!" is not criticism. When someone does that, that's a person refusing to take criticism.
Also responding with an insulting picture, is also not criticism and showed the person failed to take any form of logic.
Here was the comment, by the way:

I depend on logic, because I usually try to follow it. Remember when I talk about the whole argument about "demand" and stuff? Have you seen the logic I try to follow addressing such comment? That's an example. The things I'm addressing doesn't seem to be logical.
Me a "bad" person, are you saying I am? It would be funny to say that I am. Even more when you argue you're not a bad person after.

Careful when you say "truth".
I am going to guess that you believe it's "directly harmful" because a victim doesn't like the idea of someone having it and jacking off to it. Is that it? I already heard something about it, but I don't agree that's "direct harm". Do you even know what "direct harm" means? Possession =/= causation.
If I HAD to agree with you, then everything including "fiction" is "direct harm", and that here, I just made an attempt at logic again.

I know what proof is, I don't see you doing so good at it.


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