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Prove it then. I need to see some points.
Possessing it doesn't directly harm, and neither does it "demand" alone. If "harm" means reminding the victim of something, then lets outlaw everything fictional, and any speech that reminds the victim of the abuse. There is a chance that can "cause harm" too. Jesus freaking Christ.
The pot thing might be worse because it's direct.

Yeah you know what? Yes, I will defend pedophile AS IN, attraction alone. Attraction is not the same as offending. So therefor, if I go against it, I'm against freedom and by freedom, I'm merely talking about the right to anything victimless and non-threatening alone. I'm not saying this is the same as possessing porn, but I just wanted to make this point.

Go ahead, call me a "rude" person, and go ahead and consider this a violation of the imaginary nice policy rule because apparently disagreeing with your empty claims is a violation to that according to you I think.

Also, stop picking a fight with me on other threads.


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