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Well, never mind about Acton, then. Seriously, how did I miss a sparring partner?

I was literally just re-reading Mark Harris's Pictures at a Revolution about the Best Picture nominees for 1967, and one of the big moments in Bonnie and Clyde's critical history is when the Newsweek critic, Jeffrey Morgenstern, ran a second, positive, review of the movie a week after he panned it in his original review. Reassessment of movies is a common thing critics do (okay, actually re-reviewing movies is rare), so don't worry about Zootopia. However, this is not an endorsement of re-reviewing it; on a practical level, I'm not sure a sixth Flayrah review after over two years is necessary, and I wouldn't worry. I think it did okay with both furries and the general public anyway.

Maybe a ten year retrospective (if you still give a shit about furry in general, Flayrah in specific, and Zootopia in even more specific, and/or Trump hasn't caused the nuclear holocaust), or something if they announce a sequel.


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