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Uh, you've never met my family ...

I'm my dad, basically. This is how we deal with grievances. (Of course, Green Reaper didn't exactly explain himself to me; he just did it. Not even a "sorry, dude, I'm the boss" message.)

I got it now, you deleted the Otherkin article. See, I liked that article; and even if you thought it was a mistake, mistakes are still part of the journalistic process. It's why we run corrections, not purge the archives. I mean, all my bullshit arguments and pissy slapfights and what not are still right here, forever and ever; past mistakes that can be used to remind me of what I need to do better.

I mean, not that it's working out right now, but whatever.

Part of it, Diamond Man, at this point, really is just looking to pick a fight, even if he doesn't know it. He spent most of his time before he wrote up his big piece on bias complaining about how we were all biased, and he wonders why nobody likes him that much. "I was just stating my opinions!"

Well, when his opinion is "I think Flayrah sucks." can he really be shocked that Flayrah's response is "Well, fuck you too, buddy!" (And you can't tell me he was ever a popular poster, Equivamp; I may be unique in hating his slimy guts, but nobody here's all like "Oh, boy, oh, boy! Did Christmas come early this year, 'CAUSE DIAMOND MAN'S HERE!" either.)

And I wasn't using you as an example not because I thought you really cared that he was being rude to you; but his complaint is we're being rude to him. Much like I chewed out that one guy about complaining that that one con wasn't inclusive enough, so we'd better kick them out of the fandom, I'm trying to point out Diamond Man's hypocrisy. It really wasn't about you, sorry if I came off as white knighting. I mean, like I give a shit about Oliver's opinions and was defending him (so, going the other way, sorry if I offended you by reducing you to simple data point to beat some guy over the head with.)

(Also, was that the other argument you were accidentally "involved" in?)

But going back to Diamond Man and his constantly picking fights (and then acting surprised when he gets in them), I mean, there's not a lot of difference between him and Perri, or Ike, or desiring_change, or, more positive example, CassidytheCivet.

All of them complain and/or complained we were unfair to them about their unpopular opinions, but on the other hand, most of them spent most of their early days only commenting to complain about Flayrah (Perri complaining mostly that we weren't covering Perri enough, Ike that we weren't "conservative" enough, desiring_change, more aimed at the entire fandom, but that we were all into bestiality, or Cassidy that Zootopia was going to suck). Diamond Man's thing was "we were biased!" against ... something. Alpha & Omega, I suppose. And I fucking worked with all of them, with them calling me a terrible person the entire time. I wasn't nice, but I was kind.

Okay, topic change, do you recall a poster named Acton? Kind of a lot like Diamond Man, with tenuous grasp on English and how she is written, except also a conservative, not like Ike. I mean, I'm sure he voted for Trump, but at least he was probably not a Nazi. And I knew him before Flayrah, when I was on the furrymedia lj group, and he had his foibles, and we all rolled our eyes, but nobody ever really went after him (and, okay, that was partially the much more stringent moderating on the lj group), but my point is, he wasn't a dick about it.

He didn't berate furrymedia or Flayrah for not being conservative enough, he didn't constantly talk about how his opinions were unpopular, and though he did complain conservatives and Christians were misunderstood, he kind of pointedly didn't complain that we were the ones misunderstanding him. He was there as a constant presence; he didn't leave for months at a time, and then come back just to cast passive aggressive shade on us, before dramatically clutching his chest and shading his eyes while asking "but why would you ever get so mad at me for opinions! Oh, what a sorry state the world is in, where, I, just an innocent little angel, can't share a thought without getting torn to pieces by this wild and angry mob! The horror, the horror ..."

Or, you know, Rakuen. We don't agree on certain issues, but he's made it clear he's part of the community. We can get mad at each other, but it's okay. We'll survive, because at the end of the day, he's not here to pick a fight. He might get into one, sure, and it might get ugly (like, just so ugly); but he actually likes the place. Or at least goes out of his way to appear to do so!

And, oh my god, Diamond Man's thing, as I pointed out originally, was fucking "bias".

Maybe, I don't know, he might want to work on his own a bit more.


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