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It was published, but it was old (possibly before you were an editor? what's the timeline here again?), stupid, and didn't belong here. It wasn't an opinion piece or a review, it was just rambling, symptomatic of circumstances I won't get into publicly. I remembered it one day, looked if I had the option to delete it, saw that I did, and deleted it. I guess I forgot about this whole debacle til now.

Have you talked to GreenReaper about this stuff? He doesn't exactly make himself hard to contact, there's not really a need to like, tell him how you feel by airing your grievances on someone you know doesn't actually have the skill to harm the site by "attacking" it. This is actually the second time I've ended up in a grudge you have in the last few months (and yeah, I put myself here this time, and the other time you didn't know about it) and I just don't understand why you can't just talk to people...unless you're talking to them like this.

Diamond Man isn't the first to complain about the rating system. And he's not being unreasonable when he says we're emotional commenters around here--hello? Look at this thread. You're a good guy but you're not showing it right now.


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