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I was thinking, remember when you used to add an apologetic clause awkwardly stapled to the end of every sentence? I think I told you to stop doing that; good job on avoiding that, but you may have overcorrected ... just a pinch.

Okay, I'm an expert on rude, so I can help you here; calling people's opinions shit is rude. That's something you did this thread. That's just rude. That's something rude people do. You can disagree with someone's opinion, and think they are wrong, and even beneath you, and that's not wrong. But you can do those things without saying "your opinion is shit."

A more polite response to Oliver might have been to say "well, I disagree with you, and also believe you are attacking me personally, and I would prefer you not to do that." Or, you know, just ignoring the semi-anonymous commenter nobody knows completely. That would have been a good one. It's not what you were saying, Diamon Man, it's how you said it.

But let's look at something positive; you are improving your writing. If nothing else, "your opinion is shit" is grammatically correct, so, good on you. In fact, your punctuation is correct, like, 95% of the time now, so that the other 5% can be explained as typographical error rather than ignorance (well, that and your weird fondness for ellipses, but, then, I do love my parenthetical phrases).

Your grammar and usage is still often stilted at best and just incorrect often, but not as often as it used to be. You'll never be a prose stylist, but your prose is becoming, at least, much more understandable. No longer having the aforementioned need to awkwardly insert apologetic phrases into every other sentence is helping. Even back when you were writing amazingly atrocious run-on, subjectless, contorted "sentences", the problem seemed to be you were basically getting ahead of your fingers with your thinking. A good portion of your improvement may be you've just become a better typist, and you're finally becoming the writer you always were.

Jesus, your comments here, in the middle of an angry slapfight, are better written than your actual articles.

Where did this improvement come from, Diamond Man? I mean, I don't know, was there someone or some group of people who were mean to you or made you feel inadequate in the past? Maybe you didn't want to feel that way anymore, so you took steps to up your game? Maybe you even wanted to impress them, and that's why you keep randomly appearing, like herpes, in their comments?

Or, I don't know, maybe you took a night class. Whatever.

But it still begs the question; why are you here? You obviously don't like us; I mean, you went off on, once again, a random commenter who is nobody and basically went on a "I WILL DESTROY YOU, AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE! I WILL MAKE IT MY GOAL IN LIFE! SCORCHED EARTH, MOTHERFUCKER!" megalomaniacal rant.

You'll please take the time to notice, and Equivamp, you, too, I was completely happy to let your recent comments go without note until you threatened to attack Flayrah. When you were talking about Alpha & Omega (in a thread you kind of got called out on by someone who wasn't me, as well, so you are pretty justified to respond there), I lived and let live. When you were defending child pornography and the right to browse child pornography, I bit my tongue (and was actually privately gleeful that you'd take such an obviously dangerous, stupid and downright evil stance in front of the world and everyone; note, not "rude", Diamond Man, dangerous, stupid and evil).

But you started swinging your dick around, insulting everyone and whining about how awful this site is because one semi-anonymous troll nobody even knows who couldn't even be bothered to stay in the conversation was less than flattering to you. Furthermore, you actually threatened to take action against us; yes, I joked that this threat is basically meaningless, but you don't think that.

Once again, that even goes above and beyond "rude", Diamond Man. That's just wrong.

You started this fight, Diamond Man. You escalated it by bringing up the years old article deletion fight (I even warned the guy not to, or did you forget that, Equivamp?). And YOU still think YOU'RE the innocent victim here!

Well, you're not, Diamond Man.

You're not a very nice person, Diamond Man. You don't need to defend that; I'm not a very nice person, either. Duh. But you need to understand that.


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