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NOTE: As quoting, the person's text HTML editing may be overwritten, so please don't take the quotes 100% to be his now. XD
My text is in bold to make things easier to see when it's my response.

"These "made up rules" are just being polite. You went over my head; that's considered rude in polite society. "
That can be VERY subjective. So why bother calling me an "idiot" because mine is different?

"I'm not saying you violated a rule of Flayrah. You violated a rule of the world. One that's not written down, because you're supposed to know this. This is how you get along with people; on Flayrah, at work, within in your family. I hate you because you did something people who are hateable do."
Oh yeah? What about you then? You insult me several times, and possibly out of the belief that two wrongs make a "right" when it doesn't. So why are you being a hypocrite since clearly you're not polite to me anyway. I also could of saw that you talk crap about furry and sexual things too.

Besides, what is a "polite" rule when all that may subjective?
Sure, I kinda have a similar thing, but only when it's not violating the golden rule. If I directly say someone's fictional safe shipping is "wrong" because I find it disturbing, then I exposed a mindset that I don't believe in natural rights. The article thing though, I think that's different especially since writing and who gets to delete it might of been subjective.
Like... for example, an owner has EVERY right to not allow a guest in the house, even if it was out of mean behavior.

"When I told you, as your editor, that I want to keep the story, publicly, you don't go run to Green Reaper and whine about it and make him take it down, because that's humiliating to me. And, yes, Green Reaper is completely culpable here to; if you're paying attention here, bud, thanks for publicly fucking me in the ass on that one. Really fucking appreciated it."
I don't exactly remember that was the reason.

"It's frustrating on top of this, Diamond Man, because you don't even realize you pulled a passive aggressive dick move on me."
You act as if you're an editor, then you own EVERYTHING of the article, when you don't.

Who was the one that gave the article idea in the FIRST place? Who was the one that did the root of the work here?
So what if you don't want it deleted, I cannot vote no?!
Aren't you being the dick here? O_O
Also, I think I ran into the admin because he was the owner of the site, right?

"I'm not mad at you for breaking a fucking rule, and that's the worst part of it; I was fucking intellectually cucked by a fucking moron who, if this comment thread is anything to go by, has an above average chance of being both a pedophile and a Nazi!"
Wow, let me make sure I'm not at tumblr SJW... Damn, this is depressing.
I'm no pedophile and I'm not a nazi, but it's funny as if someone was, there points "can't" ever make sense even though they do.

Also, I was editing this comment a lot. I wish it didn't effect the updates every time I edit it. XD


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