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See, that's the problem, Diamond Man.

These "made up rules" are just being polite. You went over my head; that's considered rude in polite society.

I'm not saying you violated a rule of Flayrah. You violated a rule of the world. One that's not written down, because you're supposed to know this. This is how you get along with people; on Flayrah, at work, within in your family. I hate you because you did something people who are hateable do.

When I told you, as your editor, that I want to keep the story, publicly, you don't go run to Green Reaper and whine about it and make him take it down, because that's humiliating to me. And, yes, Green Reaper is completely culpable here to; if you're paying attention here, bud, thanks for publicly fucking me in the ass on that one. Really fucking appreciated it.

It's frustrating on top of this, Diamond Man, because you don't even realize you pulled a passive aggressive dick move on me. Passive aggressive dick moves aren't against the "rules"; but they are passive aggressive dick moves! Goddammit, you stupid, stupid, stupid idiot, it is not against the rules for me to punch my cat in the face. She's my cat; I can do whatever the fuck I want to her. But punching my cat in the face would be a really shitty thing to do. So I don't.

I'm not mad at you for breaking a fucking rule, and that's the worst part of it; I was fucking intellectually cucked by a fucking moron who, if this comment thread is anything to go by, has an above average chance of being both a pedophile and a Nazi!


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