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I barely star anything myself, and the system, well I don't worry about it, it's its own thing. As far as the "owner" I think they had spent a lot of time implementing the system that they are not really looking to change it anytime soon.

The time to look into that is if they update the Drupal infrastructure of the entire site at this point, which would be a higher priority; given how much html knowledge and outdated buggy code is behind the scenes on the site itself.

The comment system is the least concern at this point, but you really couldn't have expected to say an unpopular political opinion and not get blow-back on it?

To me, the story here is just saying what happened, and if one disagrees with the laws it is okay that they express that, but discussing it on a Flayrah forum isn't going to change US law.

As far as being "attacked by an admin" if you're talking about crossaffliction he is no longer on editing staff, he quit around May 2016. There are only 4 people who are technically staff now: GreenReaper, Dronon, myself, and mwalimu.


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