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Depending if I got a reply with certain words or not, this might be my last comment, but I am completely open to rating my own comments up now and maybe even abusing it since idiots are rating comments of personal attacks up like the comment from a cyberbully known as Oliver are being stared up. And mine with criticism is being kinda censored.

Yeah, it just shows more how right I am more.
"One sided, not all criticism is accepted, personal attacks are, bad arguments accepted."

If I am going to write my own comments without being censored and/or rated unfairly I would instead write it somewhere else where that can't happen and in places that gets more attention than this place.
All comments would get treated equally unless it's illegal and/or personal attacks. Not that one side is automatically as good, but there won't be an environment that gives the illusion that someone's point is less good because of popular opinion, shit rating, and/or other certain things.

I don't know if the owners of this website are with sides of those furries making the furry community look bad, but I still generally stay the same here.


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