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Oh thank you. *^^* You know, the webcomic industry has really come full circle, and there are literally a million webcomics out there now. It's hard to find an audience unless you either mass-market to death, or you just really have something that catches on like wildfire, and people start to notice it and follow it. One of the best examples out there, to me, is Lackadaisy Cats - ( They inspired me in a way to come up with "The Depths", as the story is also set in an historical era, the Roaring 20s. I really want to call attention what ABD said about characters. That is so bloody important. If people can see the characters first, and in several situations, action poses, scenes, etc., when the webcomic comes out, if you already have a following for the characters, it should be well-received. Bring out the characters, and then the comic. Let people grow to love the characters and they'll grow to love the comics. <3 Thanks again and definitely keep working, doing your best, and if you've got an idea ABD loves, it can happen. <3


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