How about “Peter Rabbit – Tank Killer”, where Farmer McGregor gets a Wehrmacht Tiger Tank to protect his carrot patch, but Peter takes him out with a panzerfâust?
or “McGregor” by Paul Di Filippo, reprinted in my “Already Among Us”?
“Suddenly, from behind a shrub leaped a giant animal, a slavering rabbit with a mouthful of fangs! In an instant he was joined by another, and another!
The rabbits grabbed his guardian and his mother, and began to bite their necks and rend their flesh.
McGregor screamed/twisted in his chair/writhed in his bed.
The rabbits, finished with the lifeless corpses of the adults, their snouts incarnadined, turned on the little boy.”
How about “Peter Rabbit – Tank Killer”, where Farmer McGregor gets a Wehrmacht Tiger Tank to protect his carrot patch, but Peter takes him out with a panzerfâust?
or “McGregor” by Paul Di Filippo, reprinted in my “Already Among Us”?
“Suddenly, from behind a shrub leaped a giant animal, a slavering rabbit with a mouthful of fangs! In an instant he was joined by another, and another!
The rabbits grabbed his guardian and his mother, and began to bite their necks and rend their flesh.
McGregor screamed/twisted in his chair/writhed in his bed.
The rabbits, finished with the lifeless corpses of the adults, their snouts incarnadined, turned on the little boy.”
Get it on Amazon.
Fred Patten