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I didn't read these so I can't say for sure which of the titles are an intentional pun (most likely they all are), but for a German speaker the meaning of the titles would amount to:

"Ausgefressen" - colloquial for wrongdoing (in the sense of "was hat der wieder ausgefressen": what foul play is he up to again?); but can also be literally translated to "no longer eating" as an unusual expression for "dead". (I have no idea how Amazon gets to "fucked up", that's definitely no translation I would ever use.)

"Voll Speed" - "speed" as an anglicism may be used in this context as "full speed", but Speed is also a drug, so you could translate it to "full of (the drug) speed". I don't know if that has anything to do with the content, Amazon's content description mentions a speedboat, but also animals behaving as if under stimulants.

"Dumm gelaufen" - colloquial for "this didn't go well or according to plan". "Running stupidly" would be the literal translation which seems to refer to the content - this episode plays on the horse racetrack.

"Dickes Fell" - colloquial for "impervious to criticism or insults", which seems to refer to the family trouble (in the content description). The literal translation "thick fur" is not obvious, although it is so generic that it may refer to any of the protagonists.

"Letzte Runde" - "last round" probably refers to the night guard on his last round (from the content description again), and to the notice that it is the last book in the series (although I only find this mentioned in the comments). It may also refer to the last round of drinks in a bar - I don't see that referenced anywhere though.

Hmm, now I have to read one of these...


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