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To be honest, this "consequences" thing is heavily debatable generally. It's as if the type of people who say that don't realize that their are certain consequences to their own specific "consequences".

To give an example to show why I'm bothering to say this is this: If you want someone fired from their job (even if it's possible to fire the person without violating constitutional rights) because they've stated a political opinion one strongly take offense to, then frankly that's an example type of attitude that makes you a terrible person or more of one if you already are. Moral arguments and law are not always the same, and seeing "cancel culture" and "witch-hunting" become more acceptable in both this furry fandom and outside in some cases is arguably (and hell, sometimes illegally if some actions went that far) a big general problem, especially if some of those types of people try to disguise their own terrible behavior as "consequences".

Besides, if people can say "I hope you get fired from your lawful job because you're _insert political status here_!", then people can also say "You're very disgusting for wanting to take away a person's lawful career just because the person has a different political opinion than yours.".

So honestly, I agree with you assuming my general argument is an example of your own point. There are seriously many problems in our society that is technically "legal".


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