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"I gave out reasons why Alpha and Omega is a good movie."
Yeah, what were those reasons again?
Amidst your incomprehensibly gobbledy-goo, I remember something about how effort is the same thing as quality (it ISN'T), and you want the wolves to molest you or something...

"Again, Alpha and Omega is considered crap because some seen the story before"
Among other reasons, YES. EXACTLY. Most people consider it crap because it's rehashed material. Why insist on fighting them about this point?

"Can you prove that mine is "bullshit"?"
I can't prove anything with someone who refuses to apply a little critical thinking to what he's saying.

Yeah, better to IGNORE something than try to better yourself with it...

"That movie looks a bit edgy"
....Seriously?.... You go everywhere you possibly can, spouting your rhetoric about how child molestation and sex with animals isn't anywhere NEAR as bad as society generally makes them out to be, and your argument against Zootopia (which you HAVEN'T seen, correct?) is that it "looks a bit edgy"? THAT'S your criticism?... *facepalm*

"A movie like Foodfight for example lacks a lot. It has bad animation, lazy animation, and probably other issues that makes the main creative point look bad. Alpha and Omega gets bashed for WHAT IT IS by some."
Uh-huh, and MOST would say THE EXACT SAME THING YOU JUST DID about Alpha & Omega. So YOU'RE allowed to complain about Foodfight's animation, but NO ONE is allowed to complain about Alpha & Omega's animation?

...Proof of what? Half of the audience's disapproval? THAT'S WHAT CRITICS' AND AUDIENCES' SCORES ARE FOR!

"When it comes to a fan stifling the creator's own choices and even to the point of wishing death upon the creator with a fantasy book, I think there is a bit of a problem, don't you think?"
Apparently YOU don't think so, since anyone who says the slightest thing negative about your precious movie becomes the next target in your never-ending smear campaign.

"THEIR work is targeting me in wrong ways, an Alpha and Omega dinosaur script isn't."
Their work is NOT targeting you, until you decide to get on their bad side. After that point... YEAH. That's what they're gonna do. JUST LIKE YOU DO.

And Dino Digs just flat-out SUCKED. People are gonna talk bad about it. Such bad-talk doesn't target you until you decide to BECOME a victim of it.

"What's the point of that argument? Even if there was no "criticism" with Alpha and Omega I agree to doesn't make my point invalid."
You said earlier that not all negative feedback is unfair. PROVE IT. Say ONE THING NEGATIVE about Alpha & Omega that is shared by many other dissenters that you can actually AGREE with.

"Besides, I did agree with a few points in sequels and kinda for adding more for the first movie. There could be some others in the first movie, but not so sure."
Humor me; WHAT flaws were found in the sequels again?
There COULD be other flaws, but you're not so sure... Nice cop-out there.

"Foodfight is an example of an old movie that's "terrible"."
...Maybe, except Foodfight came out AFTER Alpha & Omega. And besides, it still TRIED! According to your bullshit logic, so long as it TRIES and puts forth the EFFORT, that means it's a good movie!


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