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"But what makes one movie good or doesn't.
All you said was that you can watch other movies to tell, but with no argument behind it."
Arguing what makes a movie good or not is POINTLESS with you. You've already made up your mind that Alpha & Omega is the holy grail of cinema, regardless of how you keep professing that one is more likely to regard it as better than it is if they've seen fewer films to compare it to.

"Some can watch others without Alpha and Omega then Alpha and Omega would feel a little more "meh", but the same can be said by watching Alpha and Omega first, then watching an old movie way after with a sort of similar story."
NOBODY is going to watch another movie and decide that it's "meh" just because they saw Alpha & Omega first. Sorry, but... they just aren't. Alpha & Omega is NO standard in ANY genre of film.

"Stop doing the whole "it's bullshit" crap."
Stop spouting bullshit, and I'll stop pointing it out. Simple.

"What? It just sounds like maybe that you don't understand the point."
Not when you're speaking incomprehensibly, no.

"I hate Zootopia and I feel annoyed with that fox, but hey at least I kinda respect it."
No you don't. You can't hate something and respect it at the same time. You only hate it because you feel you HAVE to, or else you're betraying Alpha & Omega. (Or do you hate it because the characters are supposed to representative of PEOPLE, and people are just gross? ;P)

"I said they have effort because it looks like they do. I don't see a "tried but fail" much."
Because, as I pointed out to you MANY times before, you refuse to look at the evidence of how it failed. Newsflash; EVERY MOVIE puts forth the effort to be a good movie. That doesn't automatically MAKE IT a good movie.

"Like I said, it worked because a lot of people has showed interest and resulting in a box office success."
...Okay, so now you're trying to cite box office success as a means of determining quality? You're right in that it shows people were INTERESTED enough in it to check it out, but only HALF of the audience came out of it satisfied.

"ALSO, sequels don't matter for the first. I mean, don't judge a movie by it's sequels."
Fine. I'll continue to judge the movie on its OWN merits, whether you like it or not.

"Also some fans are stupid with the sequels."
Uh-huh... You can't take your OWN advice and simply say that "they didn't find the sequels to be 'their thing'", they're just stupid. Nice.

"Some are attacking the creator because they hate the creator for their work. Like WTF."
You hate some people for THEIR work. There's no difference.

"Not all negative feedback is unfair."
Name ONE PIECE of negative criticism Alpha & Omega has received that you can agree with.

"SOME old movies."
Some old movies, and you're still dodging the question of WHAT you're basing your "they can still be terrible, despite their efforts" claim.


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