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"That is completely bias maybe."
That is completely bias MAYBE. Yeah.. that makes you sound like you know what you're talking about... And no, it's not "biased" to learn what makes movies good by watching a wide variety of them prior to watching Alpha & Omega. It's called being EDUCATED.

"Many other people can watch other movies first and Alpha and Omega would be one of them and it wouldn't feel any different."
No, that's completely the point. You keep pushing this idea that people can only think Alpha & Omega is a good movie if it's one of the first movies they ever see. It doesn't speak to its quality if simply watching other movies BEFORE it can interfere with your enjoyment of it.

"The typical reply from you I think."
Calling out your bullshit? Yes. VERY typical of me.

"The main argument is that the story of Alpha and Omega feels too similar to some, even though the story does have it's own direction a bit... but regardless that's the argument isn't it? That's why I compared the growing up thing."
Please, for the love of God, hire a proofreader!

"Every legal movie has their own legal characters and it's better than nothing to have different characters, because more different people can enjoy them. Alpha and Omega characters are like that which is good."
...Alpha and Omega characters are like what? They're in a movie? ..Yes, they ARE in a movie, what the hell are you saying??

"The movie is good because it has enough effort in it"
There's no green ribbon in filmmaking. NOBODY is actively trying to make a bad movie. By your logic, EVERY movie is a GOOD movie just because they TRIED to make a good movie. Sorry, that's not how it works.

"and since growth of an audience is usually a goal, it worked."
...Except that it DIDN'T work. This is why looking at audience/critic reactions on sites like IMDB and RottenTomatoes IS a useful tool, despite how badly you want to dismiss them.
Audience and critical reaction to the first movie was very lukewarm, and the small group of fans it attracted ended up hating the sequels. Where's the "growth of an audience" here?

"A little bit of negative feedback might count, but some complain because it's not their thing and that's not fair."
Yeah, THAT makes perfect sense... Negative feedback can count, but just don't GIVE any, because that's not fair. *facepalm*

"I'm not saying the old movies are bad because they are old."
Then what are you assuming that makes them terrible, or "terrible for what they're trying to be"?

"Like many comments, I apologize if there are any mistake or more I guess."
You GUESS you apologize... How very sincere...


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