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You are not understanding my point maybe.

I still feel that you're not understanding the point.
The MAIN reason why some people said the movie was crap was because they wanted a different story or maybe more... BECAUSE those people GREW UP with older movies with some similar things.
Those who did NOT watch those old movies, grew up with Alpha and Omega would of liked it. This "growing up" thing is subjective, and that's why I compare Alpha and Omega to those old movies, well, perhaps some old ones. Not all old movies are good. XD

Deciding that it's not as good as the old in favor of only certain people growing up with some older movies is itself an unfair argument. Sounds completely bias. Unless of course the reason why such work was made would have something to do with the audience maybe.
If the story is just as good as the older one, then the story is just as good. It does not matter "what came first" because growing up is subjective and the argument of "first is superior because it came first." is not science.

Because "ugly" is subjective, and it would be wrong to stifle creativity because that one person or group doesn't find the designs their thing. Story elements, already explained but it could depend on why... if adults who grew up with old story were part of the target, then more is better I guess.
I think it all assumes the main purpose of the art. Character design for example is meant to grow more people, not being a fan of a design may not matter to the creator. More people liking it is the goal, maybe.

Did you forget to comment to that "adding" more part?

Those aren't "sources" proving that it's bad. I'm not being ignorant, I am just showing your attempt at "proving" your point on it being bad is terrible.

Depending on popular opinion is an automatic invalid way of proving. Using "ratings" is also an automatic invalid way of proving.
Some ratings can be unfair, and so can popular opinion.


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