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I think one simple point is this:
There is no such thing as originality, or if for example, Zootopia is original then so is Alpha and Omega because every work is based off multiple things all the time. To create something new, you have to combine things together.
Alpha and Omega generally feels a bit like it's larger chunks and a bit more reminded by some, but, and while there ARE some things that do make it seem more unknown, it's still an original film with things we've never seen.
Of course, you can have a film to just copy ONE plot, and only do that but with two different species, and that would just feel more rip off, though, Alpha and Omega doesn't do that either. But one point I can say, some things are meant to be spiritual successors.

Just like Zootopia for two-legged anthropomorphic fox and bunny fans. Note: I'm not trying to attack you for liking it, just a point.

Alpha and Omega is special to me, even if these days I don't have that much of an interest into the characters as I used to, but what happened is that it led on to being inspired with interesting subjects, and how it effected how I like things. This is not an obsession, it's just a normal way of getting more personality.
Examples: I was inspired to write stuff about critique because of the hate, I liked more wolf characters while not too sure if that movie caused it.
I loved the characters of the movie, and I enjoy the story that never happened with them, and hell, AS a movie, it's not the greatest, they should probably of added more, but I do have a problem with any suggestion that suggest change to something it is to something it's not as if it's "better".
I do like some other movies, but more as entertainment stuff. Less special.

I don't hate that person for saying the designs are "flawed", I strongly hate the person's behavior that were the insults, started a fight on twitter, and how he/she treated his opinion as fact on the "completely unoriginal" thing. I am sorry if that's not the reason by the way.

Attractive, and inspiring I think. It probably helped me develop into my furry personality.

I usually argue because I hate how some of the world likes to label effort creativity "flawed", and it stifles the freedom of creativity in the sense and in idea. Nobody wants their own hard work of effort to be called "flaw" because the wrong audience hates that part of the work when the purpose of such work was to find more and more people to like it.
After all, an example of awesome about art culture is how we have different type of stuff, for different people.


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