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Okay, point of order, and then we're going to go in a completely different direction here, just for variety's sake.

Diamond Man is not saying "Zootopia fans", he's saying "Zootopia fan", singular, and though it's been pointed out many times, many ways that Diamond Man's grasp of the English language and how she is written is tenuous at best, the difference between "singular" and "plural" forms is one of the things he does consistently get right. When he says "Zootopia fan", he's referring to me, the guy with the Zootopia icon; he is under the false pretension that, I don't know, attacking that movie will hurt my feelings so much I'll fly off the handle and then he'll be like "see?" and I'll be like "OH" but that plan's not really working out for him.

Anyway ... change of pace.

It has come up, but if Alpha & Omega is not bad, well, what makes it good?

Diamond Man, your attempts at apologism for the movie are ... a bit lackluster.

... the characters are enjoyable, and inspiring.

And ...

The only thing I can say is that the movie could of been even better by adding more.

Plus a bit of fiddle faddle about nostalgia for old Disney movies is the only reason anyone likes them, which might be a valid criticism, but doesn't have much bearing on Alpha & Omega quality.

The "better by adding more" line is completely meaningless, and adds nothing to the conversation; it's ad copy, not criticism. It's just an overly enthusiastic way of saying the movie is good, not why it's good.

The bit about the characters is both very subjective (I did not find them inspiring in the least; it's been a couple years since I've seen the movie, and I can barely remember them, and it takes a week long slapfight across multiple story comment sections to even get me "inspired" enough to even think about the actual movie the fucking slapfight is effectively about. However, I will agree that I apparently found them "enjoyable" (though, with the caveat, once again, "enjoyable" is just another synonym for "good", and is therefore basically answering the question "why is this good?" with "because it's good").

Here is my comment on the article that started this whole sad, years-long mess:

I think about halfway through I realized, much to my chagrin, I was liking it.

It was about the part when emo-doo wolf volunteered to give rejected suitor a tour. I knew exactly where that subplot was going, but that probably explains why I liked it. It's sappy Disney crap, but it works. Doesn't make it good; in fact, makes it worse.

Bra scene also tickled me, though this time it was the only Dreamworks "edgy with a capital E for Everyone rating" joke that worked, rather than "overused Disney magic moment" that worked.

Those cliches work on me, man.

Probably top ten favorite bad movies.

I do, re-reading this, now remember "emo-do wolf", who had at least a stand out design, due to her fur color and the aforementioned ridiculous hairstyle, and I may be wrong, but I even recall she was played by Christina Ricci, who is an actress I kinda like. Don't remember the "bra scene", though.

But, see, that's more what I'm talking about; I tried to explain both why I liked it (it featured plot elements that I happen to like, even when I can see them coming a mile away) and why I thought it was a "bad" movie (the movie is generic and cliche; I like those generic and cliche plot elements, but that doesn't make them "good"). If you'll notice, I was even able to separate my own "subjective" take (I liked it) from my final judgment (I thought it was a "bad" movie). I am aware of my own tastes, and am even able to set them aside in order to make a judgement.

So, once again, why do you like Alpha & Omega, and why is it a "good" movie?


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