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"They are allowed to dislike."
They're just not allowed to SAY so, that's what you're getting at.

"This person is clearly treating his/her own dislike as if it's a "fact" or some bullshit."
Nobody NEEDS to say that their review is expressing their own unique viewpoint, because most people are smart enough to know that that's always the case. If you made a review saying Alpha & Omega is the greatest thing since the invention of cinema, EVERYONE would know that's your opinion. You wouldn't need to constantly repeat that what you're expressing is YOUR opinion. We KNOW. We GET IT.

"That was just a fucking insult."
What goes around comes around, Mr. You-Didn't-Like-This-Movie-So-You-Clearly-Have-No-Idea-What-You're-Talking-About.

"Your behavior, that behavior, 2cross2affliction's behavior, and some other behavior are proving that this website refuses to take criticism and refuse to learn anything."
Yep. You got it. You're the only sane person in a world full of lunatics.


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