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The only way to argue that A&O is bad for what it's trying to be, is if it failed to aim for its purpose. Maybe in general at least.

And did you just said your subjective was "fact"?
If "criticism" Is all subjective, then "criticism" is useless as a label. Why do we need criticism if it's all subjective and why is it "bad" to deny criticism if it's all subjective then?
All I see in your theory is that "criticism" is nothing but a special word jerks use to treat their subjective more important.

This is mainly why I argue that there IS such thing as being fair. For something to be a fair critique, is to see a failure of the aim of a creation of a legal and safe fictional work, and pointing out what FAILED on what was trying to do with such works.
Lots of people make debates I'm critic stuff a lot and I agree there should be a fair review. If all critics are meant to be subjective at all times, then we have a major problem and had it for a lot of years.

Also aren't you the one who argued that "criticism" Is important?


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