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I'm going to reply with further stuff but a little more calm... and then after I'm going to rate my comment five stars so it can't be hidden, at least for a while.

Note: Quoting may overwrite HTML edit and my response may be in bold.

"Diamond Man, I literally went to school and took classes to learn how to write reviews. I have literally won awards from real journalists for reviews I have written."
Public schools isn't perfect, and neither are journalists.

"You can't even write a fucking sentence half the time; so I don't care how many fucking Wikipedia articles you read and totally misunderstood every fucking word of because you don't understand words, Diamond Man."
What "Wikipedia" articles? I totally understood the dictionary, you don't... you just dictate that a review must be like this or that, or it's it's "bad", and yet you say people can't disagree with it or it's a "attack" or some other shit.
Where I came from, lot's of reviewers make arguments, people debate them all the fucking time. And don't even get me started with gaming.

"Oh, right, you don't know what an apology is BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WORDS and you're about to say something incredibly stupid about what you think an apology is, and I'm going to cut you off right there, because watching you shit all over the English language is breaking my heart."
I know what it is, but I never seen you clearly admit you could be wrong. If you did, then my fucking bad.

"You don't know what the word "criticism" means."
Yes, I do.
And here is "fault":
A failure at trying something = fault. Saying "Your art is not my kind of thing so it's bad" is not criticism.

"You don't know what the word "review" means."
"You don't know what the word "bias" means."
"You don't know what the word "critique" means."
A report that discusses a situation or certain other things and offers a judgement... it's similar to criticism.
"You don't know what the word "honesty" means."
Expressing yourself based off your actual personality, rather than hiding it. But you don't need to always do this. I will say an art style is not flawed even if I hate it... because that is also a form of honesty, my beliefs about what is fair or not.
"You don't know what the word "apology" means."
Regretting some mistake... like why are you even bothering claiming something like that? I know what it means. But many things I do on here are not mistakes.
"You don't know what the word "debate" means."
Arguing in some way.

"Jesus, fuck, Diamond Man, you've brought people with you who are fighting you! The anonymous commenters in this thread are not Flayrah posters, Diamond Man. They're following you! Like buzzards, they're following the stench of an easy Internet argument, and you've led them here!"
Victim blaming huh? Don't fucking act like I told them to come here. Also I think there was just one person.

"You start fights"
I'm not the one who went into this board because I had a thought about free speech and fucking started dragging that certain porn subject in, and I'm not the one who fucking insulted a writer twice. You're the one that started it, and so did some other members. Get over that.
"you scream and insult anyone who disagrees with you,"
Said the one who's screaming and swearing and complaining about me whenever I disagree.
"and you think you're offering some sort of constructive criticism!"
Because I am. You're just whining your head off because you are fucking offended. The fact that I gave out a dictionary proving some points and getting kinda censored for it shows how much this website failed to take any constructive criticism I think.

"You have nothing to offer to this conversation except a literal headache for those of us who try and deal with you."
Of course, because many people like you who is part of this site refuse to fucking change and listen to criticism likely.

1-staring this won't fucking change anything. Also and even though I don't depend on popularity, a lot of people find my stuff interesting because they are MORE OPEN MINDED.
I won't expect my comment perfect, not sure if there are some legit mistakes or not.


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