Diamond Man, I literally went to school and took classes to learn how to write reviews. I have literally won awards from real journalists for reviews I have written.
I know what a fucking review is.
You can't even write a fucking sentence half the time; so I don't care how many fucking Wikipedia articles you read and totally misunderstood every fucking word of because you don't understand words, Diamond Man.
Jesus fuck, you want me to admit I'm wrong sometimes? You brought up that post I made where I apologized multiple times to you; what do you think an apology is? Oh, right, you don't know what an apology is BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WORDS and you're about to say something incredibly stupid about what you think an apology is, and I'm going to cut you off right there, because watching you shit all over the English language is breaking my heart.
You don't know what the word "criticism" means. You don't know what the word "review" means. You don't know what the word "bias" means. You don't know what the word "critique" means. You don't know what the word "honesty" means. You don't know what the word "apology" means. You don't know what the word "debate" means.
This is not a debate! This is me slowly and carefully explaining to an idiot how things in the real world work, then said idiot stomping his feet and screaming "no, you're wrong!" followed by a another scream of "holy shit, what I'm saying right now is SO FUCKING STUPID!"
Jesus, fuck, Diamond Man, you've brought people with you who are fighting you! The anonymous commenters in this thread are not Flayrah posters, Diamond Man. They're following you! Like buzzards, they're following the stench of an easy Internet argument, and you've led them here!
You don't have the high moral ground, you DON'T KNOW what the "high moral ground" is to begin with. You're a fucking monster! You start fights, you scream and insult anyone who disagrees with you, and you think you're offering some sort of constructive criticism!
That's the worst part, Diamond Man.
You have nothing to offer to this conversation except a literal headache for those of us who try and deal with you.
Diamond Man, I literally went to school and took classes to learn how to write reviews. I have literally won awards from real journalists for reviews I have written.
I know what a fucking review is.
You can't even write a fucking sentence half the time; so I don't care how many fucking Wikipedia articles you read and totally misunderstood every fucking word of because you don't understand words, Diamond Man.
Jesus fuck, you want me to admit I'm wrong sometimes? You brought up that post I made where I apologized multiple times to you; what do you think an apology is? Oh, right, you don't know what an apology is BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WORDS and you're about to say something incredibly stupid about what you think an apology is, and I'm going to cut you off right there, because watching you shit all over the English language is breaking my heart.
You don't know what the word "criticism" means. You don't know what the word "review" means. You don't know what the word "bias" means. You don't know what the word "critique" means. You don't know what the word "honesty" means. You don't know what the word "apology" means. You don't know what the word "debate" means.
This is not a debate! This is me slowly and carefully explaining to an idiot how things in the real world work, then said idiot stomping his feet and screaming "no, you're wrong!" followed by a another scream of "holy shit, what I'm saying right now is SO FUCKING STUPID!"
Jesus, fuck, Diamond Man, you've brought people with you who are fighting you! The anonymous commenters in this thread are not Flayrah posters, Diamond Man. They're following you! Like buzzards, they're following the stench of an easy Internet argument, and you've led them here!
You don't have the high moral ground, you DON'T KNOW what the "high moral ground" is to begin with. You're a fucking monster! You start fights, you scream and insult anyone who disagrees with you, and you think you're offering some sort of constructive criticism!
That's the worst part, Diamond Man.
You have nothing to offer to this conversation except a literal headache for those of us who try and deal with you.