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You STILL SAID "What if I don't need to be honest?" How is anyone supposed to believe anything you say when you just outright admitted that you're perfectly fine with LYING to people?

"some may say that "I respect the designs even though I don't like it." could be a "dishonest" thing..."
...I... What are..?... I don'....
Okay, let me see if I follow this correctly....
You are so grossly offended by someone saying "I don't care for the designs in Alpha & Omega" that you'll do everything in your power to get them to RETRACT such a statement... but you're PERFECTLY FINE with them saying that they RESPECT the designs, even when armed with the knowledge that they're LYING about it, just to appease you.

Is THAT what you want people to say? "I think Alpha & Omega is a great movie, but I'm actually lying about that"?


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