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"On the other hand, going on a review's comments section and telling the reviewer he is wrong is a personal attack."

Bullshit! If I said that someone's design that isn't mine is "flawed", I can say that's wrong. If I had to say what is a personal attack in this case, that would be the reviewer.

What could be a personal attack for example is to say the person is wrong to personally dislike it... But that's not what this is. That's very different. If that's the case with that one review, the person could of said something like this: "It's not my kind of design, but I respect it for others that likes it!".

And remember, when some people review, they try to argue points which is far different than saying "it's not my kind of thing.". Don't try to claim it's "personal attacks" whenever someone wants to criticize it.


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