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I just checked; the closest thing to an argument on the front page is some minor disagreements about dealing with the possibility of card fraud from the ATMs at Midwest Furfest, and that went to a breathtaking *checks card* 24 comments!

There is literally an article about a child pornography case from the last month, which is always a touchy subject, ... which nobody got in a fight in the comments.

Let's see, top ten lists (always good for a disagreement, or even just a snipe about whether it's even appropriate for Flayrah), multiple awards announcements (no partisans sniping for their picks or complaining about previous years picks), hell, there's even a fairly frank discussion about religion on the front page that ... nobody got angry in. Even the top article is getting multiple five star votes for what I'm assuming is it's evenhanded treatment of a divisive issue in the fandom (fursuits and their exorbitant prices).

It's not like we weren't covering controversial topics in that boring last couple of months; we very much were.

But nobody got into a good ol' fashioned Internet slapfight until you showed up. I'm going to have to spell this out for you, but the guy picking fights here is you.


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