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Yes, I'm using it in the Pauline Kael* example definition (to give an opinion about something).

What if I don't need to be honest?

I mean, wow. Umm, because lying is bad? Are you saying lying is something you need to do? Because that would make you both a. a bad person, and b. ironically, a bad liar (Jesus, you don't tell people you're being dishonest at the outset!).

But setting aside your complete lack of understanding of really basic morality, I mean, you're the one complaining about all the drama and wondering why we all are starting fights and then you just straight up told us you're the one arguing with our articles. Rakuen didn't write the review to piss you off; it had nothing to do with you.

If you're going to complain that Rakuen's review was wrong about Alpha & Omega, we're going to complain that you're wrong about the review. Why don't you get over that? See where "get over it!" arguments get you? An endless loop. One of your complaints about Flayrah is that we're always fighting; Jesus Christ, we just had the most boring as fuck January possible because we were all happily getting along with each other until you showed up. Look at the fucking comment sideboard! Since you showed up, the amount of comments have increased exponentially! Because you won't stop arguing with us!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're actually not argumentative fucks! YOU ARE! Perhaps you could make the argument that we're enthusiastic participants once the ball gets rolling, but holy hell, you don't start nothing, Diamond Man, there won't be nothing!

*Kael is an ironic example, though, 'cause she was actually a notably argumentative critic.


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