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No, I think he just saw my avatar and thought I would be hurt by the idea of someone not liking what I like (it's also a Doctor Who avatar, Diamond Man, and hoo, boy, if I was worried about people not liking what I like!); likewise, he's attacking Pokemon because he literally knows nothing about Rakuen Growlithe other than the fact he has a Pokemon icon/screenname combo (and once negatively reviewed Alpha & Omega). He's not even really attacking those things; he's asking "Well, wouldn't it hurt your feelings if I said mean things about things you like?"

To which the only response is "not really, no."

Which is the point I'm trying to get him to reach, and which I don't think he is literally capable of reaching (but the struggle is the glory!) is that a negative review of something he likes should not be construed as a personal attack, or even an attack, period.

On the other hand, going on a review's comments section and telling the reviewer he is wrong is a personal attack.


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