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You're making another common mistake about reviews; they aren't arguments, Diamond Man.

Reviews (and review aggregate sites like Rotten Tomatoes) are tools that consumers can use to help them decide whether or not they want to see a movie in theaters/wait until it hits Netflix/RedBox/Pirate Bay/whatever/skip completely/etc./etc., in addition to their own knowledge of their own tastes. That's all; a review is not an argument that a movie is bad or good. A review is a statement of opinion on who might want to watch a movie, and who might not want to. If the movie is good enough, that answer might be "everybody", while if it's bad, it might be "nobody." Usually, it's somewhere in between.

So, yes, it would be perfectly fine if you decided to give Zootopia a negative review as long as you were honest and accurately reported your feelings and genuinely did not like it (I'm not sure what your actual feelings are on Zootopia, however). In fact, I personally edited and published at least one negative review of Zootopia as well as two more that fall somewhere on the scale of "mixed positive" to "mixed negative". I disagree with the review, but who cares? That doesn't make it a bad review (or Zootopia a good movie). The reviewer honestly put forth an accurate report of their opinion (at the time); that's all you can ask for from a review.

Oh and anyone 1-staring this comment means they disagreed with my comment. Big whoop.


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