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I was responding to the person who said "critique".

Maybe, but it might be different for some. It still doesn't change that the person argued that designs were "flawed" in a way. If it was like a "if this is your kind of thing, go for it!" then that might make sense, but the person used words in an attempt to criticize it too.
You can be subjective and not like a design, but if you argued your subjective as a form of argument, people can criticize that back.

I still say it stifles creativity because some people might think it's true. It gives the feel "Uhh, I want to make this, but sadly some people think it's "bad"...".
To tell people that some creativity is bad, is basically stifling creativity to the culture itself. Of course, the creator is the creator, but it's still an argument over the creator's work.

You can of course be negative in a review but also be fair about it if it's possible.
Objective: A picture of wolf people in "our world physics" style. "That wolf is floating, wolf should be on the ground.
Unfair: A picture of wolf people in "our world physics" style. "That wolf should be a human.".


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